I then hooked up the Twin Max carb. synchro meter and balanced the carbs.
Engine idles better and runs quite a bit quieter without the timing chain slapping around.
I was cutting a small aluminum shim this morning and screwed up, slashing my right index finger / middle finger at the knuckle pretty bad. Definitely should have been stitched up, but WTF. Darian wrapped them with a few layers of band aids to hold the gashes closed, then I taped my fingers together. Looked like a crime scene as I left quite a blood trail around the bricks as the damned things kept bleeding through the bandages for a while. Wounds finally quit dripping after an hour or so.
Throttle operation / wearing gloves will be interesting for the next week or so.
Ran into town to buy fuel bottles for a new MSR stove I bought. Finally retiring my near 30 year old Peak One white gas stove. It still works but is a PITA to get going and wore on my patience last camping trip.
I was going to make a highway trial run today but the wind was brutal all day and we had a lot of preparation to get ready for the hack trip.
I'm pretty confidant in the recent repairs so we'll have a "trial by fire" when we hit the road tomorrow.
We'll leave for Death Valley in the morning. Plan on getting to Las Vegas before dark where we have a coupon for a free room in Henderson. Then off to Death Valley on Friday morning.
The weather here calls for showers tomorrow AM but everything north looks good. Death Valley forecast is in the 60's - 70's, mostly sunny, through the weekend.
Two of our friends from San Diego are going to cater a couple of meals at the Death Valley Airheads Rally so we'll be eating well while they're there.
We also have heard from a few other biker friends who plan on attending so I think we're in for a good time.
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