Memorial Day 2010. Had a huge load of spare BMW parts...and a spare BMW hulk to drop off in Yuma AZ. I had packed all my spare parts with me while I was building the R100S/6 so wanted to lighten my load a bit. Stuffed about 5 big boxes of spare BMW parts in the shed in Yuma. Also dropped the small trailer and R75/5 chassis in the lot. I have buyers for quite a few of the spare parts but just don't want to mess around with the task right now. The parts sales will have to be a winter project...Since Yuma is only 2 1/2 hours from San Diego we decided to run over to Escondido CA. to visit our niece Julie and her husband. Also hooked up with a bunch of our Airhead BMW Club friends...

Some shuffle board games were taken on during the ...shuffle that a sign of age? Darian shown here with a serious looking shot...

Our friends, Kevin & Scott acquired a huge stainless steel "Burn Patient Tub" a few years ago and turned it into a Koy Pond. The toilet tank contains charcoal filtering and the water circulates through the bowl...the fish definitely look healthy.

Left to right: Steve, Niece Julie, Debbie...

Debbie's Husband Kelly...he is the master chef extraordinaire...we will meet up with them next weekend in Las Vegas.

Bill.... Retired So. Cal. Airmarshall

Sitting at the BBQ / Bar...Great food was on the grill all day long...

Catching up...haven't seen any of these folks for a year and a half...